Sunday, May 3, 2009

SSH Gateway Portal

Several people have asked about the portal application i wrote so I wanted to go into further details.

The application is a windows based single self contained exe designed so administrator can publish rdp, vnc, www, and x to Window users thru ssh without having to install ssh, explain to the users how to connect to the ssh internal servers, or setup ftp, vncview or manually configure rdp settings at the client level. The Portal has vncviewer embedded, filezilla embedded, knows the x86 and x64 paths for terminal service client and has an xclient embedded.

Basically the administrator logs into a web interface on the ssh server, adds published apps describing internal servers hidden behind the ssh server and assigns those published apps to Active Directory groups. The admin then adds users to those groups. The user can only see the published apps they have been assigned when they login to the portal.

They click on their published app and the app connects thru ssh to the internal resource. If it is an rdp server, the portal generates an rdp file based on what parameters the admin setup, and forwards the necessary ports and then launches the windows terminal client and connects it to the forwarded port - all without the user knowing ssh was used, what ports were used, etc.

The same is true with ftp, gets parameters from what admin setup, forwards port and then launches the embedded filezilla to the port. Again user did not need to setup or install filezilla, nor did they need to know ssh was involved or what internal ports or servers were used.

X same thing, and VNC same thing.

I basically made a ssh web version of metaframe web interface but instead of pushing out ica i am doing rdp, vnc, ftp, and x

The ssh gateway is built on ubuntu but can be any linux os, apache and php. But I am thinking of replacing the php portion with rails or django. The portal client piece is built with realbasic and i built a version with visual studio 2003.


Anonymous said...

And is this portal app opensource?

Antonio Sosa said...

Sorry I built the app for our company and it is sold standalone, in a vm or it is also bundled along with our application hosting platform we sell to clients hosting their servers in our datacenter or to clients using our shared servers.

I added the article and screenshots on this site cause it shows what can be done with opensource software, linux, ubuntu and lavalinux.

Also being an admin myself, I wanted to see what other admins thought about what we were doing as well as see if there was interest in something like this beyond selling it as a bundled software within our hosting solution.