Friday, January 2, 2009

8.10 build

Almost done with CD version of 8.10 build. I've been doing alot of python programming lately with my game as well as my websites and haven't been developing lava for the last 2 months. I decided to replace my extra home development computer in the next month, so I am going to finish up my 8.10 build of lava and lavalite so I can load it onto the new machine.

As I am going to build my pc, I have been looking around for my new machine parts and found an Intel i7 920 Core chip and motherboard which I am eyeing. The motherboard allows for up to 24GB :) oh my! Obviously I am not going to buy all the memory at once but over time. 4 GB here, 4 GB there. Anyways, it made me think about the native 4GB limit in the Ubuntu 32bit kernel and how I would need to either install the 32bit server kernel or rebuild the 32bit kernel to get that extra memory. I haven't used the 64bit version and was wondering if anyone has and what their experience has been with it? Maybe I will build a 64bit version of my LAVA and LavaLite so the native 64bit kernel can see past 64bit without having to recompile or load a server kernel. Are there any downsides to install the server kernel as opposed to the desktop? Maybe I should just try the 64bit version out? I do alot of programming in panda3d now and it ships as a deb for 32bit ubuntu on their site. Not sure if there will be any issues with running it in a 64bit os. Also I have a bunch of other software not in the repos which are all 32bit. I guess the only way to know for sure it to install it and see.

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