Also added a remote help desk tool which starts up vnc and send the users desktop streaming to a tech - the user can select a tech which has the vnc server portion loaded in their system tray. Basically the user logs into the portal - if they have an issue, they could go to Tools->Remote control and a separate window pops-up where they can select a tech. Once selected the tech recieves a popup and they can accept the connection. A new window comes up on the tech side and he can see the user's desktop. The user does not need to open any ports and it runs entirely in memory so no installing stuff like webex. :)
Man i just download your LAVALinux, i wanna try your Helpdesk tool.....
do you have a how to or something like that? :S tadeo_armenta@hotmail.com
hi tadeo
the remote helpdesk tool is a separate program i am writing that integrates with a portal program i am writing for my clients to login to our data-center to run their desktops and access their web services. I have not included it in my lava builds but plan to do that in future builds.
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